June 20, 2024

Finding Inspiration in the History of Barbie

Our Friends are always looking for opportunities to share new experiences with youth that might spark their interest, teach them something new, and inspire them to dream big. When Valerie, one of our professional mentors, learned about the Barbie exhibition currently on display at the Phoenix Art Museum, she immediately thought about sharing it with Aimee*.

When they arrived, Aimee was amazed at the incredible number and variety of Barbie dolls all in one place! Together, Valerie and Aimee learned all about how Barbie was created more than 65 years ago. The props and bright colors helped Aimee imagine what it would feel like if she lived in a Barbie Dreamhouse, and they even got to pretend to drive Barbie’s famous convertible!

As they walked through the exhibit, Aimee voiced her amazement at all the different types of careers Barbie has had. Valerie took advantage of the moment to talk with Aimee about how Barbie was created to inspire the limitless potential in every child – including Aimee – and that she can dream big and go after those dreams.

The Barbie exhibit is open at the Phoenix Art Museum through July 7, 2024 – and highly recommended by both Valerie and Aimee!

*Youth name changed to protect privacy.